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A San Jose Personal Injury Lawyer on Establishing the Validity of Your Injury Claim

San Jose Personal Injury LawyerMake no mistake; insurance is a business, and insurers increase their bottom-line profits by denying claims or forcing low-ball settlements. Although every case is unique, our experienced San Jose personal injury lawyer can explain that there are some ways you can proceed in your case to make the insurer believe your claim and take it seriously.

Work Towards a Recovery

While it’s clearly in your best interest to recover as fully and quickly from the injuries you sustained, it is also one of the indicators insurance adjusters will look at. They view suspiciously accident victims who don’t seem to get better. In furtherance of this goal, be sure you fully comply with your doctor’s recommendations for treatment, including therapists, and never miss appointments. Additionally, as your San Jose personal injury attorney can explain, mitigation of your damages is also your legal duty.


If you expect a fair settlement offer, it is imperative you and your San Jose personal injury attorney provide the insurer with detailed documentation of your losses, specifically:

  • Your medical bills, including those that may have been paid by a third party
  • Complete medical reports related to the incident
  • A detailed analysis of your lost earnings and income, including any benefits

Cooperate with Your San Jose Personal Injury Attorney

Maintaining regular contact and cooperating with your lawyer establishes you are serious in resolving the matter in a timely fashion. If the insurance adjuster is awaiting a response from your attorney that requires your input, but you are unavailable and there is a significant delay, this may create the impression you are unreliable and potentially not credible.

Contact a San Jose Personal Injury Lawyer for Legal Advice

Don’t provide an insurance company with any reason to delay offering a fair settlement. Your attorney will handle the legal matters of the case, but your actions as the plaintiff are important as well. Understand that how you are perceived by the insurer can be a critical factor. Call the Costanzo Law Firm, APC, a San Jose personal injury lawyer group, at 408-993-8493.

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