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San Jose Personal Injury Lawyer Advises You to Keep a Symptom Journal

Tips on Creating Symptom JournalOur San Jose personal injury lawyer can explain that personal injury claims can result from a number of accidents. For example, a personal injury claim may arise from a vehicle accident, medical malpractice, slip and fall or other incident involving the negligence of another party. Despite important differences in these claims, one element of the case is always the same – proving damages. A San Jose personal injury lawyer can explain that one aspect of many personal injury claims is pain and suffering. You can help substantiate this aspect of your claim by recording information in a symptom journal.

Symptom Journals

A San Jose personal injury lawyer can explain that a symptom journal is a special type of journal that is used in personal injury cases. It is a tool in which you record your pain and other symptoms on a routine basis. This tactic helps to chronicle your recovery.

Purpose of Symptom Journals

While you may be able to rely on property damage, lost wages and medical bills to demonstrate your economic losses, pain and suffering is more subjective. There is not necessarily a specific price tag on a person’s pain, loss of enjoyment of life or loss of companionship. A San Jose personal injury attorney can explain that a symptom journal allows you to establish your non-economic losses. You can potentially look to your symptom journal when consulting with your attorney about your complaint. You may also be able to refer to it before providing testimony at a court hearing or deposition.

Tips on Creating a Symptom Journal

It is important that your symptom journal be consistent and reliable. It needs to take the form of something that you can consult with often, whether it be a notebook or computer file. Record your symptoms on a regular basis. Make sure that this information is honest and that it neither exaggerates your symptoms or minimizes them. Provide specific details that you can reference later.

Legal Assistance from a San Jose Personal Injury Attorney

For more information on symptom diaries, contact a San Jose personal injury attorney from Costanzo Law Firm, APC. Call 408-993-8493 to schedule a confidential consultation.

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