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Category Archives: Employment Discrimination


The Supreme Court is About to Answer a Big Question on Reverse Discrimination

By Costanzo Law Firm, APC |

Most of us already know that discrimination or harassment in the workplace based on a protected classification such as race or nationality or religion, among other categories, is illegal. But does that include all races, nationalities and religions—even so-called “majority” ones? What is Reverse Discrimination? That’s the issue that the Supreme Court is set… Read More »

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What is a Stay or Pay Clause?

By Costanzo Law Firm, APC |

Non compete clauses have long been illegal in California, and as of 2023, the federal government passed a regulation making these provisions illegal nationally (although that restriction is currently being challenged in court). But anticipating the trend against these clauses, many employers are coming up with new ways to try to keep employees from… Read More »

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Associational Discrimination: The ADA is More Powerful Than You Thought

By Costanzo Law Firm, APC |

The Americans With Disabilities Act or ADA is a powerful law that protects workers with disabilities. But it does even more than that. It even protects otherwise healthy, non-disabled workers that have some relationship to others who have disabilities. The ADA, Generally The ADA generally says that if you have a disability, your employer… Read More »

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Can You Get Punitive Damages in an Employment Discrimination Case?

By Costanzo Law Firm, APC |

In an employment discrimination case, just like in many types of cases where someone is injured or wronged, the purpose of damages is to make the victim whole. In employment law cases, that can include lost wages, or financial losses because of harassment or discrimination. That can also include compensation for the victim’s emotional… Read More »

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Discrimination in the Workplace Because of Mental Health or Mental Illness

By Costanzo Law Firm, APC |

Despite all the public information campaigns, the news articles, and the awareness movements, the sad fact remains that there is still discrimination against people with mental illness. That discrimination comes in two forms: One is the mere fact that so many people don’t see mental illness as “real,” or at least, a real disability,… Read More »

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What is an “Adverse Employment Action?”

By Costanzo Law Firm, APC |

There are a lot of things that employers can’t do, when it comes to discrimination. They can’t retaliate against you or discriminate on the basis of being a member of a protected class such as your gender, sexuality/sexual orientation, race/color, religion/creed, national origin/ancestry, age, disability, age (over 40), gender identity, gender expression, medical condition,… Read More »

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What is National Origin Discrimination?

By Costanzo Law Firm, APC |

You probably already know that it is illegal to discriminate in the workplace based on national origin. Many people just assume this means the same thing as “race,” but they are two different things, and legally, although discriminating on both is illegal, discrimination on the basis of national origin is a separate distinct category… Read More »

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Discrimination That You May Not Know Is Discrimination

By Costanzo Law Firm, APC |

When employees feel that they may have been discriminated against, they often think of whether they fall into a class that needs to be protected—that is, whether being pregnant, or sick, or disabled, gives them protection. But it’s also important to think of what kind of behavior by an employer can lead to a… Read More »

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Can I File A Discrimination Lawsuit If I’m A Temporary Employee?

By Costanzo Law Firm, APC |

All employees are entitled to a workplace where they feel safe and free of discrimination and harassment. There are multiple state and federal laws in place to ensure that this remains the case. But what happens when you’re not an employee? Are you still entitled to the same legal protections if you’re only a… Read More »

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What Is The Statute Of Limitations On Discrimination Claims?

By Costanzo Law Firm, APC |

If you have suffered discrimination in the workplace, you may be hesitant to speak up or file a claim–and that’s for good reason! A recent study suggested that as many as 75% of employees who file claims for sexual harassment or discrimination face retaliation as a result. If you work in a hostile environment,… Read More »

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