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“Piercing the Corporate Veil”

By Costanzo Law Firm, APC |

A San Jose business litigation attorney can explain that corporations and other formal business structures may help provide protection to the business’s founders, members, shareholders, owners, or directors. However, in some instances, the corporate veil can be pierced, allowing for collection from such an individual personally. What It Means Piercing the corporate veil is… Read More »

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Your San Jose Employment Lawyer Can Help You Prepare for Your Deposition

By Costanzo Law Firm, APC |

If you are preparing to go to court in a discrimination case, a San Jose employment lawyer advises that you need to diligently produce documents. In an employment case, it is generally understand that a Notice of Deposition will be filed. A Notice of Deposition requires that you bring certain documents to court. A… Read More »

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San Jose Discrimination Lawyers Explain Direct Evidence of Disparate Treatment

By Costanzo Law Firm, APC |

San Jose discrimination lawyers can explain that a disparate treatment case is based on the idea that you as an employee were singled out due to a protected status, such as race. Direct evidence of disparate treatment is not present in most employment discrimination cases. Intent In order for you to prevail with this… Read More »

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Understanding Negotiation and Litigation with a San Jose Business Litigation Attorney

By Costanzo Law Firm, APC |

Deciding when to negotiate and when to litigate a business dispute is not as easy as one might think; indeed, it requires an ability to read all aspects of the situation. A San Jose business litigation attorney will have developed this ability from years of practice. Issues That Affect Negotiations A dispute between businesses… Read More »

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Our San Jose Malpractice Attorney Discusses Medical Malpractice and Diagnoses

By Costanzo Law Firm, APC |

Were you or someone you know misdiagnosed for a medical condition, leading to a longer recovery period and additional stress and pain? If so, a San Jose malpractice attorney advises that you may be eligible to file a malpractice suit. Medical errors are the most common type of malpractice. However, people rarely seek compensation… Read More »

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Your San Jose Employment Attorney Can Tell You Whether You Were Wrongfully Terminated

By Costanzo Law Firm, APC |

As a San Jose employment attorney can explain, there are statutes, also known as wrongful termination laws, that provide guidelines for determining whether an employee was wrongfully terminated. This area of the law is separate from workplace discrimination law, which falls under the umbrella of Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Understanding… Read More »

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San Jose Discrimination Attorneys Explain Federal Anti-Discrimination Laws

By Costanzo Law Firm, APC |

If you are curious to know more about our nation’s anti-discrimination laws, San Jose discrimination attorneys can explain the history of these laws, and how they may pertain to you. In United States history, there have been three distinct periods of anti-discrimination law: The Reconstruction Era The 1960s The 1990s The Reconstruction Era Following… Read More »

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An Employment Attorney in San Jose on How to Prepare for Your Deposition

By Costanzo Law Firm, APC |

As an employment attorney in San Jose can explain, your deposition is an important part of your employment case. Many people feel intimidated by the prospect of testifying in a deposition. One of the first things an employment lawyer in San Jose may do is to discuss your deposition with you and work with… Read More »

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San Jose Business Attorneys Discuss Incorporating Your Business

By Costanzo Law Firm, APC |

Is it Worth it to Incorporate My Business? The quick answer to this question is, “Yes it is.” You might be considering a regular partnership or sole proprietorship as an alternative, but you should be aware that there are several advantages to incorporating either as a limited liability company, limited liability partnership, or corporation…. Read More »

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12 Preventative Measures Against Elder Abuse and Fraud

By Costanzo Law Firm, APC |

Seniors cannot always predict who will harm them. Their abusers may turn out to be the very people they counted on for protection. If elders suspect that their loved one has stolen money or taken advantage of them, they must have an experienced San Jose elder abuse lawyer by their side to protect them…. Read More »

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