91% Of Transgender Employees Face Workplace Discrimination And Harassment

June may have been Pride Month, but these statistics are nothing to be proud of. It’s no secret LGBTQIA+ individuals face countless obstacles in the professional world. In fact, there have been a rash of recent lawsuits based on harassment and discrimination against gay, lesbian, and transgender employees. Sadly, this is nothing new.
A recent study conducted by the Williams Institute on Sexual Orientation Law and Public Policy found 15-43% of gay and lesbian employees have experienced some form of discrimination or harassment in the workplace, while a shocking 91% of transgender people have experienced discrimination or harassment based on their sexual and/or gender identity.
Statistics on Harassment of LGBTQIA+ Employees
These findings demonstrate how pervasive discrimination against LGBTQIA+ individuals is, and its real consequences at work and in our economy. Between 8% and 17% of gay and transgender employees reported they were passed over for a job or even fired because of their sexual and/or gender identity, while an additional 28% reported being passed over for a promotion or receiving a negative performance evaluation because of their sexual and/or gender identity. Worse, as many as 41% of gay and transgender employees reported being physically or verbally abused in the workplace or experiencing vandalization of their workspace.
Importantly, these incidents were not only reported by gay and transgender employees. In fact, 12-30% of cisgender, heterosexual employees polled stated that they witnessed incidents of discrimination against gay and transgender employees in their workplace.
Other studies similarly reflect an anti-LGBTQIA+ bias in employment and hiring decisions. Seven out of eight studies found any indicators of homosexuality on an employee’s resume reduced their likelihood of hiring and confirmed an anti-gay bias in most employment decisions.
What to do About Discrimination
Discrimination on the basis of a protected status, such as sexuality or gender identity, can have major career and economic consequences. Being passed over for promotions can keep LGBTQIA+ individuals out of key leadership positions, allowing businesses to continue perpetuating anti-gay and transgender hiring practices.
However, discrimination based on these statuses is against the law, and there are legal avenues available to you. If you have been harassed or discriminated against on the basis of an LGBTQIA+ status, and have suffered financial harm or received disparate employment treatment as a result, you have the right to sue your employer and receive compensation for the financial harm suffered.
Talk to a San Jose Employment Law Attorney
If you have been harassed or discriminated against in the workplace as a result of your sexuality, gender identity, or another legally protected status, and have suffered financial harm or disparate employment treatment as a result, the experienced San Jose employment law attorneys at Costanzo Law Firm can help you get the support and compensation you may be entitled to. Call today to schedule a personalized consultation.