Monthly Archives: November 2024

Does the ADA Protect Workers With Temporary Disabilities?
If you have an illness or an injury, and you need an accommodation at work, the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) protects you and requires that you be given the accommodations that you need to allow you to do your job with your disability. But the ADA doesn’t apply to all disabilities. As a… Read More »

Paid and Unpaid Paternity Leave for New Fathers
We have often written about maternity leave and the protections that women get for pregnancy, and any complications related to pregnancy. But fathers actually have rights as well. Both Federal and California law provide paternity leave rights to fathers of newborn children—rights that employers must provide. Requirements for Paternity Leave. You obviously need to… Read More »

Valuing Lost Stock or Equity as Damages in Wrongful Termination Cases
If you are wrongfully terminated at work, one of the major remedies the court can award you is the value and amount of any lost monetary damages that your wrongful termination may have cost you. But lost pay can be more than wages. In many cases, employers pay employees in stock options, which sometimes… Read More »

Understanding Your Rights to Severance Pay
If you take a job, one of the benefits of that job may be getting severance pay if you are terminated. Severance pay is provided to an employee when their employment ends. It usually is only payable when an employee is not fired for cause—that is, when there are layoffs, or company restructuring, or… Read More »